To Be in Agreement Crossword


Being in agreement is an important aspect of communication. Whether it’s in business, politics or our daily lives, people depend on mutual understanding to accomplish tasks. Crossword puzzles are a great way to exercise our language and problem-solving abilities while having fun. If you’re struggling with a “to be in agreement” crossword, this article will guide you through some possible answers.

First, let`s consider the definition of “to be in agreement”. It means to have the same opinion or to share a common understanding. Some synonyms for agreement include consent, accord, harmony, concurrence, and unity. These words might come in handy when solving the crossword.

Here are some possible clues and answers for “to be in agreement” crossword:

1. “One voice” – UNISON

When all the singers in a choir sing the same note at the same time, they’re singing in unison. The term can also be used in other contexts, such as when people act or speak in unison.

2. “Get on the same page” – CONCUR

When people agree on something, they concur. It’s a formal way of saying “me too” or “I agree with you”.

3. “Match” – CORRESPOND

When things match or fit together, they correspond. In the context of agreement, it means that two parties share the same view or are in sync.

4. “In harmony” – ACCORD

When people or things are in harmony, they’re in agreement or in tune with each other. The word can also refer to a formal agreement between nations or groups.

5. “Complete agreement” – UNITY

Unity means oneness or the state of being united. In the context of agreement, it suggests complete agreement between parties.

6. “In line with” – CONSISTENT

When something is consistent, it means it’s compatible or in agreement with something else. It’s a common expression in business contexts, where consistency is vital for quality control.

7. “Approved by all” – CONSENSUS

Consensus means an agreement reached by all parties involved. It’s similar to unanimity, which means complete agreement or unity.

8. “Agreement reached” – SETTLED

When two parties have reached an agreement, it’s said to be settled. It implies that the issue is resolved, and both sides are satisfied.

These are just a few of the possible answers for “to be in agreement” crossword. The key to solving any crossword is to use your vocabulary and problem-solving skills. It’s also a good idea to look for clues within the puzzle to help narrow down possible answers. So the next time you’re struggling with a “to be in agreement” crossword, remember these potential solutions, and you’re sure to impress your friends with your vocabulary.
