Carleton Contract Instructor Collective Agreement


The Carleton Contract Instructor Collective Agreement: Understanding Your Rights and Benefits

For those who are contracted to teach at Carleton University, it is important to understand your rights and benefits under the Carleton Contract Instructor Collective Agreement.

This agreement, negotiated between Carleton University and the Carleton University Academic Staff Association, outlines the terms and conditions for contract instructors employed by the university. It covers issues such as pay, workload, job security, and benefits.

One of the key benefits of the agreement is that it sets out minimum rates of pay for contract instructors, which are based on the instructor`s level of education and experience, as well as the number of courses they are teaching. These rates are regularly reviewed and adjusted to keep up with inflation and industry standards.

Contract instructors are also entitled to a number of benefits, including access to a health and dental plan, paid sick leave, and professional development opportunities. The agreement also outlines the process for resolving disputes between instructors and the university.

In addition to these benefits, the agreement also provides protections for contract instructors in terms of job security. For example, instructors who have been employed by the university for a certain length of time are entitled to notice of non-renewal, and cannot be let go without just cause. This provides some stability for contract instructors, who may be employed on a semester-to-semester basis.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the workload provisions. The agreement sets out the maximum number of courses that contract instructors can be assigned to teach in a given academic year, as well as the maximum number of hours per week that they can be expected to work. This helps to ensure that contract instructors are not overburdened with work, and are able to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Overall, the Carleton Contract Instructor Collective Agreement is an important document for anyone who is contracted to teach at Carleton University. By understanding your rights and benefits under this agreement, you can ensure that you are being treated fairly and are receiving the compensation and support that you are entitled to.
